Cpt Dragon's Starting Point

Me? I'm 38, female, married, living on the outskirts of Albuquerque, New Mexico. As you've probably gathered, you'll notice that I'm into sci-fi/ fantasy, even to the point of writing volumes of unpublishable drivell. It's mostly to keep my typing/ writing skills honed.

More Madness
For the New Lonely Mountain Picts

Other indulgences include attempting to turn my backyard into a wildlife sanctuary, complete with frog infested pond.  I have many fruit trees that are so prolific that I MUST make wine or risk introducing the neighborhoood to fermenting smells that sure don't smell inviting. 

This leads me into my other obsession of the SCA, where I as the Gypsy Cook Aurora Del Mar, feed coffee and cookies to Knights fighting in 100 degree weather.  Our little household of merchanting misfits is growing little by little since every urchin in the Outlands seems to find the Albino Gekko Coffee house THE place to be.


Trust me.. I don't need to have children.. they just seem to migrate to me.



to email me: Cptdragon9@aol.com



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