The Albino Gekko Coffee House and Gaming Parlour

Home of the Medieval Lounge Lizard

Updated 5-19-13



THE site for Turkish Coffee, Gypsy Slow Beer, tea, and cookies! Come out of the sun and relax in the shade. Play medieval games like Merles and Ma-johng. Find some cookies to take back to the mundane world, or perhaps a tidbit to tide over that sweet tooth till the next event.

Grand Outlandish 2014

Yes it’s that time of year again, and I know you’ve been wondering….


YES!!!!  The Gekko will be on hand to serve all your caffeine needs.  The Fates have deemed it possible for me to once again offer the Albino Gekko’s “Turkish” coffee for the masses.  No longer will you be trudging your feet after a night of carousing at Crimson.  The Sludge is back! 

Also I will have the assortment of period (and pseudo-period) cookies for those sugar deprived few.  And yes, that includes Rum Balls.  I have them all wrapped in an attempt to keep the Trail Spice to a minimum.

Most at the modest price of $1.00.


We will have some soda, but we will have Sekanjabin and Hippocras flavored drinks, along with flavored water (lemon/ cucumber and Citrus/mint… with maybe Mulberry sage if the tree is agreeable).


Unfortunately there will be no Urchin competition, but I am quite sure any enterprising small might be able to ply me with promises of slave labor in exchange for some monetary coin and free food.  I’ll need all the muscle I can get to help set up.


And Yes, we will have the Hundred Eggs Feast (borrowing gale-force winds).  Sunday Morning at Volunteer Pointe (or at the Gekko itself if need be).  Bring yer Eggs and yer appetites!


Support your Local Coffee House!!!!


The Hundred Eggs Feast!!


Sunday Morning....

  This has been a tradition for Outlandish for over 15 years now. It's origins are strange enough. One productive year at the experimental Outlandish site the Gypsies had a massive gathering. On Sunday morning, I decided to make bacon and eggs for breakfast and began rummaging through the coolers. One yielded 12 eggs. The next an 18 count. Another dozen. In all 144 eggs and two pounds of bacon were discovered....   So we fed the knowne world.   The following year there were only 72 eggs, but I had brought over 5 dozen bagels to share. The following year was eggs and antelope steaks. The year after was eggs and Pierogies.   So every year at Outlandish on Sunday morning we hold the feast. Rules are simple. Definitely bring yourself and your family to feed, along with your feast gear. If you have something to donate to the table, great! Bread, bacon, cheese, chile.. and of course EGGS. 

This year might see an appearance of…. Bacon Spam (spam, spam, spam, spam, spam…).

I will cook almost anything, even for those poor foolhardy vegetarians’.   Lets see if we can break that magic 144 number this year! 

The Games of the Day:

Along with the staples of chess, checkers, mah johngg, and backgammon, we have several card and dice games, including the Great Dalmuti. Cathedral will return again, along with Mancala and the four different Merles boards.  We also still have Pick Up Snakes and Frog Jacks for the smaller ones.  Shut the Box will also return.


New this year: Alquerque and Nyout.


So come in out of that nasty sun and sit a spell!

Performers will be fed and watered for free!!
