The Society for Creative Anachronism:


Theoretically, this group researches and re-enacts life and times during the Middle Ages (pre 1700's) Unlike Most historical groups, we chase after the aura of the thought and not nessesarily the exact science of the times. We can get away with drinking a Coke, as long as it’s in a wooden mug. The following are several snapshots of various event stretching back almost 20 years.

For the official link to the Kingdom of the Outlands
For this year's Outlandish Pictures
Outlandish Pictures Midwinter-2000-2006: At Midwinter, you wear your finest garb (for us Gypsies, the most gaudiest) and eat at least a 4 course meal. There is court, and dancing, and revelling, pretty much a big social event and a preparation for WAR!
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Then there's the Gypsy motley crew. Mom did most of the garb...
My Nephew's 1st event-->

My father "Lord Muff"-->

My husband-->

My mother in her 17 century Spanish garb-->

And of course.. me-->

Then there was the thirty year celebration of Grand Outlandish. With over a thousand people tending, this is probably one of the largest events in New Mexico lots of fighting and revelling abounding:

Notice the bottles of beer in the shin splints->

Celtic tent-->

Then there's our overly tall Druid and his cool stuff-->
He even made a yoke to carry the water-->

Notice our mascot "lizard" hanging out in the shower-->

Gypsy's sense of art deco-->

and their neighbors, the Pirates -->

You all missed the bombing raids between their tenis balls and the gypsies' flapjacks.
for More SCA picts