The Zoo:

I raise a plethora of things. Most animals that show up on my doorstep are unwanted, ill-kept and generally in bad shape. I nurse them back to health then find suitable homes or release them back into the wilds if they are native species. Here is a cross sampling of lost souls:

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These are the Delaware chickens and Bourbon Red turkeys I raise and show at the State Fair

No, I didn’t eat him this year. He’s busy courting the chickens and chasing the road runner and crows about
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Notice how I got him to the fair? I almost caused an accident on the interstate.

I am also known as the Lizard Lady around these parts.
Here's why: Godzilla, Gigan, and Maggie
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Then I set up this little goldfish pond. You would not believed the creatures that show up by the truckload!
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................................................................................................................. this is a Woodhouse toad, btw.
..............................................................................................I hatch about a thousand of them a year, waves of them -->
And here are some of our other visitors. This roadrunner is so bad that he'll come inside and sit on the kitchen table and coo and brap until you give him a mouse. -->
and do MY dogs do anything about all these visitors? NO!
Then there's my child Chicken Boo (any Animaniacs fans out there?). A solid black kitten. Found him 3 weeks before Halloween.. in the chicken coop. He is proof that if I ever had children, they would be holy terrors. He's spoiled, so much so that I have to walk him on a leash because he won't come home when called. --> -->